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Blog Comments Policy


We encourage and welcome comments on our blog and reviews on our product pages. We would also like to thank everyone who takes the time to post comments and review our products and service’s on

We generally post all the comments which are useful to all of our readers. However, there are certain instances where we edit or delete the comment(s). This includes:

  • Comments that are posted solely for the purpose of promotion.
  • Comments that are spam or have a spammy nature.
  • Comments which use vulgar language or swear words.
  • Comments which attack/harass another person individually.
    Comments that are ofencive, racist, homophobic, or are deemed offensive in any way.

We recommend that everyone follow our comment policy rules to help you keep the blog a constructive place for discussion. We reserve the right to edit or delete comments submitted to this blog at any time without notice. The comment policy may be changed at any point of time.

We will block ANYONE who disregards any of our guidelines, By canceling your account with us on and blocking your IP address, We will ALWAYS pass on any information to the necessary authority if we deem any comment/post/review to be personally offensive or any one member of out community is being verbally attacked or threatened.

Last Updated: December 28, 2023

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